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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / picture2 / 0892c50.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-02-18  |  636KB  |  1315x852  |  8-bit (255 colors)
Labels: grandstand | laptop | monitor | reckoner | shelf
OCR: MONEY HUHIHNTH TOP EQUITY FUNDS OVERSEAS HCATEGORTAVERAGE f sShetaicWadr 50 1 $71.6 EamraIaR. Fc1a Big:, 23 (S) $2.501 $1C 782 652 30.0 41C.9 Eamp: 3919 15.442 12 123.2 151 87C 421 C18 19.4 15118 116.11 73.1 314.5 "scilt: 9400 (91371 01 8 23T C735 1 1555t 15.3 1.53 113.5 3nE n Cristi n Wierall 3.61 15.23 11E.6. 36. 106.5 HawanCsleg=L8 6! 88C 777 c47: Persprettr 1474f 1151 55.1 24..6 Hamneprtocaitse urs 8C 221 C18) dlarGlbe 15393 31 112.5 31.6 321.3 Exmra 14.c Wiliem Heke 43/6 00 81-225.2472 Hoha 1136 116.F 137.6 201.7 M Keane h 0seman 61 14 00 104 [16.] 35. 142.1 NA Jhi1&bbes(4a.0) Chiatin Wigrali,35 5. 10-034 1E0 Hint 1372 1]5. a0.t 20:. Jery Mhctal .53 423. 4.2. 13925 442.5 Exmo[140.C} Chestisn Wigrall.: 35.5 C824 1E8 debr 1345 51. 4101.6 ::. Jhit1 Sttes 40.0 J'n Temrlew 79(14) 501 80-23 ...